PYROCRYSTAL S.r.l. grants continuity and coherence in the quality standard of services proposed to the Customers as far as project, manufacturing and start-up of primary water treatment plants are concerned. 

Those requirements aim to obtain Customer's full satisfaction throughout:
•  research of continuous improvement at any stage;

•  Non Conformity prevention;

•  continuous control of products and process Quality;

•  reliability and security of products;

• preservation of the environment in relation of the enforced norms
Total quality
Total quality: interaction with the customer + quality of the process + product's quality

We have set, documented, actuated and costantly keep under control the Management of the Quality System enforced into the UNI EN ISO 9001-2000 norm, operating to improve, continuously, its efficacy.

All our products and services are followed by an attentive monitoring due to pluriennal experience in the filed of primary water treatment, to continuously improve the total quality.
Security for people and things is basic aim of our principles. We strictly adhere to  Dlgs. 626 and 494. Pursuing a continuous technical improvement of security and safety of our plants.
Uffici e stabilimento: Via Tirso,16 - Fraz. Sesto Ulteriano - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese (MI)
CAP. SOC. € 101.920,00 I.V. - C.C.I.A.A. MILANO 679446 - ISCR. TRIB. MILANO 125037/3199/37
Cod. Fisc. e P. IVA: 00777450156